Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Beautiful Beginnings

Dear Reader,

I have been given fair warning that folks just don't want or need to hear grandparents go on and on.  And I get that...but what I want to tell you about has to do with my new understanding about a way of experiencing life.  I have realized an "opening of the heart" and it goes beyond what I think of as love. 
Now you might be thinking that presenting my big ahaa moment to you is just my clever tactic to work in some "grandkid babble" time.   But the truth is/was that  I was not all that motivated to talk to you about my new grandson.  When I pondered this state of mind, I wondered if  my "grandchild love" was already neatly contained in a nicely organized kitchen.  When I thought about this "kitchen" it seemed as though each cupboard was bursting with the connections, experiences and love for Ethan, Jayden and Arianna.

I knew I would welcome my new grandson, but before today, I must admit I was reserved on account of the fact that each cupboard was already so full.  So it really shook me up when this overwhelming sense of  joy  spilled over me when  new Baby Brody and I had our first conversation. 

It went like this: He looked at me-I looked at him and we both became forever connected with unbreakable bonds.
Why does the love for a grandchild fill me up?  Why do I have room in my heart (kitchen cupboards) for more love and how could I have ever thought I would not have infinite space for him? Why do I want him to know me and why do I believe we will learn and grow together on this fine planet.

As always, I went to my books.  What was the perfect title to gift Baby Brody with?  I landed on Richard Van Camps newest baby book as the perfect reflection of my new open heart.

You are the birth of everything new

you are perfect

you are you

Then I remembered Kim Michelle Toft's beautiful text " The World we Want" .

This is the ocean that shapes the atoll that grows from the reef that feeds the tide pool that lies on the beach that meets the mangrove that follows the river that weaves through the forest that filters the air that circles the world that we want. 

Then I remembered how ever child on this planet is protected by "The Universal Declaration of Universal Rights"

We all have a right to our own way of life and to enjoy the good things that science and learning bring.

Then I remembered I will  have a whole lot of precious moments with my new grandson and we will share hundreds of books together.  We will  learn together and we will both have open hearts that celebrate our sense of belonging and connection.
Today I thank Baby Brody for filling me with the awareness that there is a new way of experiencing life that is joyful.  Brody, your family celebrates you!  You have already taught me that the nature of my heart has infinite space for you-your growing light. 
Hugs from your Grandma Donna

Friday, April 3, 2015

Passing on the Legacy of Literacy: Matching Just right Books with your Special Young Friend

Hello Dear Friends,

As you might remember, I get all gooey when I hear about real kids reading the Strong Readers Books.   I was enjoying a day at Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre when the "gushing thing" kicked in once again.  Teacher Heather and kids were using the Letters to Owl to explore all the different ways to solve problems that might come up on the playground or in the classroom.  They took a good look at each of the problem solving charts and decided on a couple that were just right for their needs.  Way to go Teacher Heather!  You completely embraced the purpose and theme behind this piece of writing.

But wait: Heather's next move put her in the "top shelf" category of teaching excellence. Here is what happened.

"Boys and girls, I had the best shopping day ever!  I went to the bookstore and found a "just right book"for each of you. After you have had a nice time reading and exploring your new book, you might want to think about one of your friends or family members who would also enjoy the book. What I do when I match my friends with just right books is think about what makes that person special and what makes them laugh.  Then I tell them what I like about the book.  I can tell if they will like the book because I can see a smile on their face.  Then I give them the book."

The reason I wanted to share this teaching reflection moment is because it embodies my premise that children do not fully own and extend their understandings of how print works and how to make meaning from squiggly black lines without the help of  caring adults.  Adults who have taken the time to get to know a young person- their strengths, struggles and triumphs -can connect a child with a perfect title that just speaks to them.  This is why and how our kids are motivated to keep trying to work at this reading thing.  Only when kids care about the content of what they are reading will true comprehension happen.  (I have pontificated on this subject under a previous,rather wordy blog called Blanket of Literacy)

So one thought led to another and out pops a sequel to Letters to Owl.  The brilliant Bill Helin illustrations are lacking and it is kind of drafty still, but I hope you enjoy this story.  Jayden said it was funny and he started his own chart -He is looking for a book called "Lion Fitness". Let me know if your short friends come up with titles that would be just right books for their favourite animal friends.  (I think their is a place for brainstorming and thinking bubbles somewhere in a class discussion. Enjoy)

More Letters to Owl

I hope you don’t mind me asking you for  advice again.  I am in a real pickle.  You have such sensible solutions to my problems...here’s the deal.

It all started one sunny afternoon.   I was enjoying my favourite book, Forest Adventures, on a mossy log located in a sunny meadow. It was the  perfect reading spot. The sun felt good on my cool skin and before you could say ribbity ribbity-rib, I fell fast asleep.  I mention this because it might explain why I went home without my  book! 

 It was a good thing I had that rest because after I got home, I was so busy with all the young tadpoles at the pond.   I did not  have any time to read for a whole week.

  (I guess I don’t have to tell you how much work those young tads can be!)

 When I finally got a break, I  looked for my book but I could not find it. Finally, I remembered I left it at my  reading log. I hopped down the path with my sunglasses and sunscreen . I couldn’t wait to read my book and and enjoy some quiet time in the sun.

Along the way, I met up with Moose. 

He told me he  had a wonderful day reading a book called Forest Adventures.  He found the book on a log in a sunny meadow.

 “You might like this  book, Frog.  A very kind and thoughtful animal must have left it on a mossy log in the  sunny meadow.  Everyone is reading it.” he explained.

"Everyone? " I asked in a high squeaky voice trying  to hide my surprise.

“Oh yes, Frog.  Everyone says it should get one of those stickers  for Best Book, ” he said and trotted off.

Anyway, back to my pickle...As soon as I reached my log and saw my book I knew he was right.  I could tell that  every animal in Pine forest had made themselves comfy reading MY book!
 Honestly, Owl, you should see the condition of the book!  It is covered in paw, hoof and wing prints.   Duck’s wet webbed feet had soaked page four and Slug left slime on page ten! Prairie Grouse’s chicks  pecked  tiny holes on page sixteen. 

 When I noticed Red Squirrel  approaching my reading log I decided to take action.  

(Imagine the mess he would make of my book if he decided to stuff his cheeks with one of the pages!)

I  filled the old throat chamber with a gulp  of air, “Go away! This is MY BOOK and MY comfy reading log.”

Owl, he would NOT leave! He became very upset- meaning his chatter level  reached the stratosphere.
When he was calm, I asked him iwhy he wanted to  read my book.

 He said he liked the pictures and that reading helped him relax after a morning of hard work gathering and stashing seeds.

I thought this was interesting because I also find reading my book helps me relax. We spent the entire afternoon talking about the book. 

He really got me thinking about reading.
I decided to ask every animal that came to read MY book, why they liked to read.

Prairie Grouse told me that her chicks liked to hear a story every night. She told me her chicks beg her to re-read the same story over and over. She has noticed her chicks’ vocabulary  improving.  She explained that it makes a good routine and that I should try it with the young frogs back at the pond.

Loon told me she translates  the  story into  loon calls and sings it  while she travels up and down the lake. (I must admit, she has a way with music, that one!)

Raven- He is so full of himself- isn’t he? He wondered if I had noticed he was in the Forest Adventure story. 

 “Frog, don’t you think I look particularly gorgeous on page six?” 

 (So typical of Raven! He likes to read because he sees himself in the book!) 

I also learned that Raven had been glocking the news all over Pine Forest that my book was on the log.  Seems he meets all his friends at the log and they have Book Club. 
Honestly, Owl, it was as if he thought he invented reading!

So Owl,  here is my pickle...I want my book back!  Problem is...all the animals want to keep reading.   I am afraid if I take my book home, Pine Forest animals will be very sad indeed! And, as you know, we were getting along so well. I need your help with this one Owl. 
Yours truly,
Frantic Frog
Pine Forest-near the Pond

P.S. Did I tell you that the song that we sang at the Feast was a hit.  Beaver had it made into a CD and everyone bought a copy. We could not have done it without your help.


 Hooty Hooty Hoot  Dear Friend,

I understand you want your book back.  How  awful to have all those paw, hoof and wing prints on the pages! 
I  agree with you that Pine Forest Animals are going “batty for books”.
Why, every time Mrs. Owl and I sweep over that sunny meadow where you left your book on the mossy log, we see a Pine Forest friend enjoying a good read! 
One day we noticed a line up.  Raccoon, Little Bear, and Raven were patiently waiting their turn to read.

But back to your pickle.
It seems to me that if each animal had their own book, they would not need  yours. 

I find that I enjoy reading books things that interest me.
Why not think about each animal and a then imagine a topic they would like to read about. The trick is to find a “just right book”  for each animal.

Try using my  Finding a Just Right Book Chart.

Pine Forest Animal
Special interest
Book Title
Things to consider
Young Frog
Counting while croaking
Frogs, Frogs, Frogs
Order waterproof edition

As soon as you send me the completed chart, I can help gather the books. 

Mrs. Owl and I are planning to visit relatives on the prairies....( Cousin Barn Owl  has planned a Hootenany.) 
 I just had a Hoot of an Idea.
My relatives are big fans of Pine Forest Pond Music. We could trade the CDs Beaver made for books.  

Like I always say, Frog, “Every problem has a solution when you go step by step”.
In friendship,
P.S. Did you know that the entire Owl Family are wise for ten reasons:
they read, and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read and read some more.
I predict great things for Pine Forest Animals