I have been given fair warning that folks just don't want or need to hear grandparents go on and on. And I get that...but what I want to tell you about has to do with my new understanding about a way of experiencing life. I have realized an "opening of the heart" and it goes beyond what I think of as love.
Now you might be thinking that presenting my big ahaa moment to you is just my clever tactic to work in some "grandkid babble" time. But the truth is/was that I was not all that motivated to talk to you about my new grandson. When I pondered this state of mind, I wondered if my "grandchild love" was already neatly contained in a nicely organized kitchen. When I thought about this "kitchen" it seemed as though each cupboard was bursting with the connections, experiences and love for Ethan, Jayden and Arianna.
I knew I would welcome my new grandson, but before today, I must admit I was reserved on account of the fact that each cupboard was already so full. So it really shook me up when this overwhelming sense of joy spilled over me when new Baby Brody and I had our first conversation.
It went like this: He looked at me-I looked at him and we both became forever connected with unbreakable bonds.
Why does the love for a grandchild fill me up? Why do I have room in my heart (kitchen cupboards) for more love and how could I have ever thought I would not have infinite space for him? Why do I want him to know me and why do I believe we will learn and grow together on this fine planet.
As always, I went to my books. What was the perfect title to gift Baby Brody with? I landed on Richard Van Camps newest baby book as the perfect reflection of my new open heart.
You are the birth of everything new
you are perfect
you are you

Then I remembered Kim Michelle Toft's beautiful text " The World we Want" .
This is the ocean that shapes the atoll that grows from the reef that feeds the tide pool that lies on the beach that meets the mangrove that follows the river that weaves through the forest that filters the air that circles the world that we want.
Then I remembered how ever child on this planet is protected by "The Universal Declaration of Universal Rights"
We all have a right to our own way of life and to enjoy the good things that science and learning bring.
Then I remembered I will have a whole lot of precious moments with my new grandson and we will share hundreds of books together. We will learn together and we will both have open hearts that celebrate our sense of belonging and connection.
Today I thank Baby Brody for filling me with the awareness that there is a new way of experiencing life that is joyful. Brody, your family celebrates you! You have already taught me that the nature of my heart has infinite space for you-your growing light.
Hugs from your Grandma Donna
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